What to know about Drug Tests.

What are Drug Tests?

A Drug Testing Check is a type of screening that detects the presence of illegal substances or prescription drugs in an individual’s system. Employers often use this check to promote a safe and productive work environment, especially in jobs that require alertness, physical coordination, or involve safety risks.

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How to run a Drug Test Report?

To run a Drug Testing Check, you’ll need to collect a sample (typically urine, blood, or hair) from the individual, which should then be sent to a certified laboratory for analysis. Ensure to obtain the individual’s consent and follow proper collection procedures to maintain the integrity of the sample. Given the sensitive nature of the process, it’s often advisable to use a professional drug testing service. Always adhere to federal and state laws, such as the Drug-Free Workplace Act and the guidelines of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

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